The Addams Family: Gated Heart

After this Valentine's day was over, I realized that there were STACKS of unused promotional valentine's cards sitting on the back office desk, so I decided this was a great opportunity to make one of those, "unconventional materials" dresses.

The theme of this odd dress is, "Caged Heart."  I guess the story might be that Raine had tons of Valentine's Day cards, but broke up with her boyfriend before the big day, so she cut them all up and wore them as a dangerously sharp dress.  That is why she looks so angry.

I once again turned to "The Addams Family" for dark inspiration and thought of the character of "Gate." (For those of you who don't know, "Gate" was the Addams Family's front gate.) I used the image of the what I consider Spanish Style spikes on different parts of the dress as well as button-accented square connectors.

You might be able to notice that the "skirt" part is actually quite complicated.  It's two-layered and heart-shaped.  See it?  Also, the square connectors are three-dimentional and folded like origami with a button holding it closed, which I wish was easier to see, because those things are what took the most time to make!

(BTW, I totally admit that this dress is SO not even comparable to the awesomeness that was the newspaper Maire Antoinette dress, but they can't all be explosions of genius!)