Coco Beach Spring Party, Day 3

Finally, Raine's dress is complete and Jeannie can serve the Mai Tais!

This dress is made of linen-esque blue fabric with light and dark threads woven in, giving it a canvas-like look. It is really three separate peices; a halter vest with an extended waist, gathered mini-skirt, and short capelet.

I think this may be my least favorite of the three, but is also the most unconventional, so the design risk was a nice challenge to face. Raine is a bit difficult to design for because she has scoliosis, just like me! Her spine is "S" shaped, her left shoulder is higher than the right, one arm is one inch shorter than the other, and her hip sticks out to the left. All this makes for a sexy-looking pose in certain outfits, but it also means that she is limited to garments that are not incredibly structured. No corsets for you, girl!

Still, I love her and she remains my "edgy girl" that can pull off the unsusal outfits.

I did not originally design the dress to have a capelet, but I am glad that I added it. I think it gives it another layer of interest. I think the capelet should make a comeback! Look for them to pop up at least a few more times in the near future!
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