Love for Sale!

So, I got my first online order today from a new Indie website that approached me to sell my clothing!

You can see the items available on and see on the front page ,OH? I'm the featured designer?  Look how cute I is!
Spoiler alert, though.  I think all the designs on the website are still in the long queue of ones that I have not yet posted on my blog yet.  So I'd better get them all uploaded and out there!


Update: I looked at a lot of the other designers' work on the site (this is a completely new site and all the products got posted at the same time for the grand opening, so we didn't know what to expect from other fellow designers), and yes, I see that I am charging a lot less for my pieces than most.  This is on purpose.  I'm looking at who I believe the demographic will be for who shops on a sites like this.  I could do things that are a lot more high fashion and expensive, but in my theory, the online buyers are probably going to be young "indie" women looking for clothing to look different from everyone else, but probably won't want to pay a huge amount.  So all the pieces I submitted are comfortable, mostly made of stretch, and easy to make.

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