FoL - Pa'Tootie

So I'll say this up front, I don't have a black mannequin, but if I did, she would be fabulous. For now, Raine as Tootie will have to do. It may be a strange choice, seeing that Raine is my edgy girl, so she'll just be a Moody Tootie!

Here Raine is serving up fierce with the last of my stretchy striped material in a drapy top lightly inspired by Tootie's mushroom hair. I wanted to do a bollowy, baggy blouse/sweatshirt, for, as you know, the 80's were quite fond of many shapeless, figure-hiding garments, but not as fond as I was of using commas in this long, run-on sentence.

I am not used to clothing this loose, but I actually like the outcome, considering how surprisingly easy it was to make. Just four five-sided polygons and some elastic and *bam* - drapy diva top.
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