1 Day Dress Week

The Palm Springs Ren Faire is coming up the week of the 20th and I am going to be making at least one new nice noble garment for which I am budgeting 2 weeks of work.

So I decided that I am going to challenge myself this last free week before I start that project to make three "one day" dresses that will take less than 24 hours each to design, construct, and photograph from start to finish. Making something on the fly is a weakness of mine that I definitely have to work on, for obvious reasons, if you know what I mean.

The speed excercise for me means simplifying the design of the garment (no sleeves, no complicated mathematics, straight hem skirts) while still hopefully making something good-looking that stays within my style.

This first dress I made I really like. I caught an episode of "I Dream of Jeannie" the other day in which Maj. Nelson threw a dinner party. (Jeannie's sister, Jeannie, arrived and chaos ensued, of course) All the guests were wearing really groovy clothes like this one, so this collection is going to follow a "Coco Beach Spring House Party" theme.

The material in this dress that Leonora is modeling is vintage 60's from a garage sale and I think may have originally been meant as uphostery fabric. It is double-sided, blue on one side and small-checker on the other.
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